Turnaround & Restructuring
Interim Management
Financial Advisory
Finance & Capital Sourcing
Case Studies

In today’s complex operating environments and difficult financial markets, competing demands can stretch an executive management team’s ability to manage competing priorities.  In certain situations, key stakeholders may have lost confidence in management’s ability to lead the company through a liquidity crisis or stabilize under-performing operations.  In other situations, a company may be dealing with an unexpected loss of key management personnel or looking for a post-acquisition management change.  Speer & Associates’ seasoned professionals can assume interim management positions to restore credibility and work side-by-side with an executive team to provide leadership in executing business strategies.  We have extensive experience as C-level executives providing the leadership skills to manage companies through transitional, distressed or crisis situations.

Areas of focus include:

  • Immediate staffing of critical management positions such as CEO, COO, CFO or CRO
  • Expedited identification and objective analysis of critical issues
  • Managing communication with key stakeholders including employees
  • Regular reporting and advice to the board of directors
  • Planning and implementation of credible and executable business strategy initiatives